Nimbus Gaming Administration Dashboard

Nimbus is a conceptual web app that functions as both a game launcher as well as an administration platform for managing game streaming and monetary information. The app is highly customizable and applicable to a diverse audience.


UI/UX Design


Information Architecture


User Research

Lean UX

Competitor Analysis


Personal Project


January 2024 - May 2024


Figma, Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Forms

The User Interface

The User Interface

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A fully customizable dashboard

Users can drag-and-drop any of our widgets onto their administrative dashboard to focus their experience on connecting with friends, managing streaming income, tracking game progress, and much more.

Nimbus Dashboard

Users can customize the dashboard with stickers from their in-game achievements.

Nimbus Dashboard

Users can customize the dashboard with stickers from their in-game achievements.

Nimbus Dashboard

Widgets are highly customizable, scalable, and able to be swapped in and out depending on the user needs and experience.

Nimbus Dashboard
A variety of available widgets
A selection of widgets with transparency effects

User-centric homepage

Nimbus uses a quick-start navigational section to allow users to quickly jump into their most recent game without any distractions.

Nimbus Homepage Mockup

All your games at your fingertips

The library page allows users to see their owned games alongside settings, recent achievements, and information about friends.

Nimbus Library Mockup

A marketplace without the hassle

The marketplace gives users relevant, data-driven information about trending games that they might be interested in based on their current library.

Nimbus Marketplace Mockup

The Assets

The Assets

A colorful, customizable branding package

Nimbus uses a cloud-like, versatile logo and a blue-and-green color scheme, with supplementary color schemes for alternate colorways.

Beautiful, experimental stickers and badges

Stickers are able to be implemented into the dashboard for customization and a sense of self-expression.

A scrolling image of the different sticker elements.

Achievement badge art gives users a personal, prideful gaming experience that extends beyond the game that they're playing. Users can enjoy the achievement art on their profile, dashboard, or as stickers.

User Testing and User Experience Research

User Testing and User Experience Research

Designing a color-conscious app

We checked for WCAG 2.0 web color accessibility requirements throughout our design process to ensure that users would be able to see our primary colors, even with limited visibility or color limitations.

WCAG 2.0 Color Testing

Surveying and Competitor Analysis

We began our design process with an extensive user research phase where we discussed gaming gender aesthetics, game launcher preferences, and interface pain points with a variety of respondents, both gamers and non-gamers. From this research, we learned that the top five streaming apps suffer from similar pain points: poor visual hierarchy, not meeting user needs, and limited functionality.

Survey results
Competitor Analysis

Creating three user personas for three types of users

We used three personas to reflect three of the primary users of our web application, with information from our survey. The three dashboard interfaces we created reflect these three user personas and their pain points.

Three user personas

Our user journey map reflects findings from the survey results, user personas, and competitor analysis. This map was critical to identifying the pain points that needed to be solved, as well as the solutions that could be applied.

User Journey Map of Wren, one of our user personas


This project was a great moment of pride for my team. Ani, Grace and I pushed our creative limits and our design potential with this project and the quality and depth final product surpassed what any of us could have expected.

This project speaks towards problems in the gaming community, as well as problems that need to be solved in game launchers. Creating web applications that are practical, visually appealing, and improve user experiences are important to maintaining and growing an audience of users.

Thank you to Ani and Grace for their long afternoons and many hours spent collaborating on this project.

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